RMRP 1996

Experiment Location

This experiment primarily focused its efforts on the coastal and near-coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine.




During 1996, the University of Maine deployed three inverse-catenary moorings, one within the 100 meter isobath (COAS-3) and two within the 200 meter isobath (JORD-3 and TRUX-3). These moorings were designed to sample the water column at discrete time intervals and average the data to half-hourly values using 150 kHz ADCPs manufactured by R.D. Instruments, Inc. Seabird Seacat T/S instruments were attached to the mooring wire near the surface at 3 depths on each mooring and sampled at a rate of one sample every 5 minutes. COAS-3 seacats were attached at depths of 13, 40, and 91 meters. TRUX-3 and JORD-3 seacats were located at 75, 125, and near 200 meters. The COAS-3 mooring was deployed on the RV ARGO MAINE in April 1996; the doppler failed in May 1996. The JORD-3 and TRUX-3 moorings were deployed in May 1996 and they were both trawled by fishing vessels in June and August 1996, which caused the surface float to break free on each mooring. The surface floats were recovered in July and September. The bottom portions of JORD-3 and TRUX-3 along with the COAS-3 mooring were recovered in November 1996 by the RV ARGO MAINE. The mooring locations are as follows:

BUOYDataLatitudeLongitude DepthDeploy. DateRecov.DateComments
COAS-3 Vel,T/S 44° 16.96´N 067° 40.89´W 94m 03 Apr 199605 Nov 1996Doppler failed May 96
TRUX-3 Vel,T/S 43° 26.12´N 066° 49.85´W 193m 11 May 199605 Nov 1996Trawled by FV, float broke free
JORD-3 Vel,T/S 43° 44.626´N 067° 54.37´W 194 m 10 May 199605 Nov 1996Trawled by FV, float broke free

1994 RMRP 1995 RMRP